• Completed Study

Project Overview

Project Location Map

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This roadway improvement project in Pasco County involves the widening of existing segments of Overpass Road (Old Pasco Road to 0.86 miles east of Boyette Road, 0.49 miles west of Curley Road to 1.45 miles east of Curley Road) and Kossik Road (Coolwood Drive/Ghost Train Lane to US 301); the addition of an interchange at Overpass Road and Interstate 75 (I-75); and the connection of existing segments of Overpass Road and Kossik Road on new alignment (0.86 miles east of Boyette Road to 0.49 miles west of Curley Road and 1.45 miles east of Curley Road to Coolwood Drive/Ghost Train Lane). The project limits extend from Old Pasco Road on the west to US 301 on the east, for a total length of approximately 9.0 miles. The improvements for Overpass Road include the following:

  • Four lanes from Old Pasco Road to I-75
  • A new interchange at I-75 and Overpass Road
  • Six lanes plus two auxiliary lanes from I-75 to Boyette Road
  • Six lanes from Boyette Road to US 301

In addition to these improvements, several access modifications will be required. The existing Blair Drive access to Overpass Road will be closed and a new two-lane paved roadway will be constructed with a connection to Old Pasco Road. The existing McKendree Road access at Overpass Road will also be relocated to an alternate location on Boyette Road (north of Overpass Road). At the Wesley Chapel District Park, vehicular access will be eliminated at the existing secondary entrance located on Overpass Road (approximately 1,000 feet east of I-75). The park entrance will be reconfigured to enhance access for alternative modes of transportation, including pedestrians and bicyclists, during the design phase of the project.

Contact Information
For more information or to comment, please contact:

Environmental Management Office
Florida Department of Transportation, District Seven
11201 N. McKinley Drive
M.S. 7-500
Tampa, FL 33612-6456

Phone: (813) 975-6000
Toll Free: (800) 226-7220

Comuniquese Con Nosotros
Si usted tiene preguntas o comentarios, o si simplemente desea más información sobre este proyecto, favor ponerse en contacto con el señor Manuel Flores, al teléfono (813) 975-6279 o al correo electrónico manuel.flores@dot.state.fl.us