• Completed Study

Project Purpose and Need

The purpose and need for the project is to complete a missing link in the statewide Coast to Coast Trail, and is based on the following criteria:

  • System Linkage – to complete a missing link in the statewide Coast to Coast Trail
  • Modal interrelationships – to provide safe, non-vehicular transportation and recreation to residents and visitors traveling within and beyond the study area.
  • Potential Benefits – Increased business activity, tourism, improved quality of life, improved public health and increased property values.

The proposed trail is consistent with the following plans:

  • Office of Florida Greenways & Trails – Coast to Coast Connector Trail Plan
  • TBARTA 2040 and Longer Range Regional Trails – 2015 Master Plan Update
  • Hernando Citrus MPO 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan
  • City of Brooksville Vision 2050 Plan
  • SUN Trail Adopted Work Program (FY 2019 thru FY 2023)

In addition, the proposed trail is consistent with the goals of the following plans:

  • Brooksville Comprehensive Plan (2007)
  • Brooksville Community Redevelopment Plan (2013)
  • South Brooksville Reuse Planning – South Brooksville Conceptual Project Plan (2015)
  • Hernando Comprehensive Plan, Future Land Use Element (2018)
Contact Information
For more information or to comment, please contact:

Environmental Management Office
Florida Department of Transportation, District Seven
11201 N. McKinley Drive
M.S. 7-500
Tampa, FL 33612-6456

Phone: (813) 975-6000
Toll Free: (800) 226-7220

Comuniquese Con Nosotros
Si usted tiene preguntas o comentarios, o si simplemente desea más información sobre este proyecto, favor ponerse en contacto con el señor Manuel Flores, al teléfono (813) 975-6279 o al correo electrónico manuel.flores@dot.state.fl.us