The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) District Seven, in coordination with Hillsborough County, held a public hearing on February 20, 2024, regarding the Project Development & Environment (PD&E) study for the proposed improvements to Gibsonton Drive from Fern Hill Drive to US 301 in Hillsborough County, a distance of approximately 0.95 miles. This Public Hearing was held to provide the opportunity for public comment on the proposed widening of Gibsonton Drive from four lanes to six lanes, including providing bicycle and pedestrian facilities. This public hearing was conducted both in-person and virtually to present information to and receive public input from interested persons regarding the proposed improvements to Gibsonton Drive. Citizens who chose to attend the virtual hearing session did so through a computer, tablet or smartphone via GoToWebinar.
In-person Public Hearing Location
The in-person public hearing was conducted at the following location and time:
Project Documents Viewing Locations
Project reports were on display from January 29, 2024, to March 1, 2024, on the project website and at the following locations:
Riverview Public Library
9951 Balm Riverview Rd.
Riverview, FL 33569
Monday-Thursday: 10 am to 9 pm
Friday & Saturday: 10 am to 6 pm
Sunday: Closed
Florida Department of Transportation, District 7
11201 N. McKinley Drive
Tampa, FL 33612
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday: Closed
Public Hearing Newsletter
Public Hearing Newsletter (mailed January 2024) 1.1 MB
Public Hearing Presentation
Public Hearing Presentation Video
Display Boards
Evaluation Matrix and Project Costs 373 KB
Existing Typical Section 427 KB
Federal and State Requirements 557 KB
Preferred Typical Section 482 KB
Project Schedule and Project Funding 330 KB
Traffic Volumes and Crash History 456 KB